Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Boat: ELITE 25

Designer: Joubert-Nivelt

More: ELITE 25 Specifications


2.4mR Race Training Weekend at Queen Mary Sailing Club

Author: Phil Warner

On the weekend of 17/18th November the first of a series of RYA race training sessions was held at Queen Mary S.C. Eleven helms, including two from Dublin, took part and thoroughly enjoyed themselves in light, shifty F2 northerly winds. Saturday was theory day plus on the water boat exercises, with the Sunday session being combined with the normal club racing programme.

Steve Bullmore, a top 2.4mR class helm was pleased with the weekend and Phil Warner, the RYA Racing coach who assisted Steve with the organisation of the weekend, commented that it was good that disabled and able bodied helms could sail a single handed keel boat and race and train together on equal terms. It is hoped that from these types of weekends, future Paralympic medal winners will be produced.

A special thank you is given to all the volunteer helpers, and the staff of QMSC who helped to make the weekend a success.

Any disabled person who would like to sail and race, and who maybe has a dream of winning a medal at a future Paralympic Games, please telephone 0118 9795506

See also: ELEUTHERA 60 for sale